Is Carbohydrates the Enemy of Weight Loss? Consume in Right Amount can Help Fat Burning!

Is Carbohydrates the Enemy of Weight Loss? Consume in Right Amount can Help Fat Burning!

May 16, 2021 Healthy Facts 0
Weight Loss

Is Carbohydrates the Enemy of Weight Loss? Consume in Right Amount can Help Fat Burning!

Weight Loss

Weight Loss

For those who wish to lose body weight, starch or sugar-based foods are delicacy that we should avoid. Many people know that they need to eat less starch for the weight loss, so they often skip the staple food for three meals. Even quit all carbohydrate-containing foods. However, this will make the road to weight loss more difficult. In fact, you can still eat starch for weight loss, as long as you know how much to eat, it can even help you to lose weight. So this article will introduce what carbohydrates are, how much carbohydrates should be eaten.

Know Carbohydrates before Weight Lose

Carbohydrates is a general term for us. It includes four main element: sugar, sugar alcohols, starch, and dietary fiber. According to the composition structure of sugars (Saccharide), it can be divided into simple sugars and complex carbohydrates. Monosaccharides contain one or two sugar molecules and taste sweet, such as milk, fruit, honey, fruit juice, syrup, etc. Complex carbohydrates are composed of thousands of sugar molecules. They have a starchy taste when eaten, and do not immediately feel sweet. They are commonly made from starchy vegetables (such as corn, potatoes, sweet potatoes), grains or cereals.

After the we eats carbohydrates, blood sugar will rise. No matter what kind of sugar it is, it will eventually be converted into glucose in the body, which becomes the energy source of body cells. When blood sugar rises, the body also begins to secrete insulin, allowing the body’s cells to make good use of the glucose in the blood. Moreover, when you eat too much carbohydrates, there will be too much glucose in the body. The body will store these excess glucose in the liver and muscles. Therefore, as long as there is excess glucose in the body, it will be converted into to our enemy, fat! In other words, when we eat too much sugar or starch, it will lead to weight gain, and if we eat too much refined starch (such as rice, white bread, biscuits) or sugar-sweetened food, it will also increase the risk of cardiovascular disease.

The Right Amount of Carbohydrates can Help the Weight Loss

Many people who wishing weight loss, may have the wrong myth about carbohydrates, believing that carbohydrates are the source of all evils that make up fat, so they think that they should not eat any starch. However, even people who lose weight should not completely quit starch, because as mentioned earlier, glucose is an important energy source for body cells. Without sugar, it will affect the energy operation of the human body. Of course, even fat burning process will be affected. Therefore, if you want to lose weight, the intake of carbohydrates is the key! The right amount of starch will not only prevent you from getting fat, but it can also help the weight loss.

Eat the Carbohydrates Like This

Controlling the amount of carbohydrates and sugars in the diet is one of the most effective ways to lose weight. Therefore, a variety of dietary weight loss methods have been found, such as sugar-free diet, low-carb diet or Ketogenic diets and so on. According to the daily diet guidelines of the National Health Administration of the Ministry of Health and Welfare, it is recommended that the proportion of carbohydrates per day should account for 50% to 60% of the overall diet.

Due to the modern people’s diet is full of refined starches, the Ministry of Health and Welfare also recommends that 1/3 of the daily starchy foods should be unrefined whole grains. For example, they recommend the brown rice, germ rice, oats, quinoa, sweet potatoes, potatoes, taro, pumpkin, yam, red beans, mung beans, emperor beans, and also the other starch-rich beans, like chestnuts, lotus seeds, etc.. it is best to use unprocessed raw food as a staple food.

According to the National Institute of Health, about 15% of the average daily calories consumed by American adults come from added sugar (equivalent to 22 teaspoons of sugar). Therefore, the American Heart Association also It is recommended that women should not consume more than 100 calories of sugar per day (about 6 teaspoons), and men should not consume more than 150 calories (about 9 teaspoons).

5 steps to Reduce Carbohydrates for Weight Loss

  1. Quit the sugar drinks
  2. Cut back on bread
  3. Eat the fruit instead of drink it
  4. Choose snacks with high protein content
  5. Eat eggs for breakfast


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