Afraid Of Become Wonder Women After Strength Training? The Muscle Will Not Grow Too Big

Afraid Of Become Wonder Women After Strength Training? The Muscle Will Not Grow Too Big

October 14, 2021 Healthy Facts 0
Wonder Women

Afraid Of Become Wonder Women After Strength Training? The Muscle Will Not Grow Too Big

If you want a thinner abdomen, want to become stronger, muscle training is indispensable! However, before doing muscle training, recognize some wrong concepts about fat loss and avoid not getting desired results.

Muscles can be remodeled?

Partial training is impossible to remodel muscles. Muscles either grow bigger or shrink smaller. The shape of the muscles after the size change is not determined by partial training or specific exercises, but by genetics. For example. If you train the back deltoid muscles, the side looks like a beautiful heart shape, but there are only two possibilities for the back deltoids, either bigger or smaller.

Will muscles become fat?

Fat and muscle cells have completely different functions and are not related to each other. In other words, muscles will never become fat. If you were originally have strong muscles, but later became “soft” and too heavy, it is because the heat output is less than the heat intake. This is often the consequence of the metabolic slowdown caused by muscle loss. Muscle loss is caused by the lack of necessary stimulation. Muscles do not magically turn into fat, but muscle mass decreases and body fat increases.

Strength Training

Strength Training

Strength Training Make Us Robust, Cardio Make Us Slim?

Diet is the main factor that regulates the body. Although long-lasting, moderate-intensity aerobic exercise can help increase energy consumption, it has limited contribution to muscle building. Nothing can increase the body’s metabolic rate more effectively than muscles. More than a few kilograms of lean muscle, the calories burned are almost equal to the energy consumed by an ordinary aerobic exercise.

The increased muscle allows you to burn more calories even while sleeping. If you want to gain weight, increase your calorie intake and build muscle through muscle strength training; if you want to lose weight, reduce your calorie intake and increase your metabolic rate by building muscle.

The more the better?

Some people believe that the longer you spend working out, the better the effect. However, the muscles grow during rest. Overtraining and insufficient nutrition are the most common mistakes that everyone makes.

How much is excessive? In fact, there is no precise answer. Many factors are involved, such as genetics, diet, sleep, training intensity, frequency, and duration. The signs of excess are stagnation, chronic fatigue, weakened motivation, and frequent injuries.

If you overtrain, you must adjust your diet, amount of sleep (7 to 8 hours of sleep), training intensity, duration, and frequency of training.

Are men and women different?

Although the training goals of men and women are often different, they can usually be achieved using the same fitness method. The muscles of men and women are exactly the same, the only difference is the size.

The most effective way to burn fat and calories is to build muscle and maintain it. That’s enough. If women practice the upper body with the same diligence as the lower body, doing so can increase the total lean muscle mass, then the abdomen will be flatter and the buttocks will be firmer.

Weight Loss

Weight Loss

Does the meals matter?

People tend to be hungry just to lose weight. This way is absolutely unworkable. This will reduce the basal metabolic rate to compensate for the lack of calories. Once the original normal calorie intake is restored, the metabolic rate remains adjusted down. Therefore, if you want to lose weight, you should not be hungry. Instead, develop a balanced diet by eating small and frequent meals (every 2.5 to 3.5 hours).

Do it more frequent when setting the shape, less frequent when after robust?

Muscles will not be shaped by doing a lot of certain movements. The shape of the muscle is determined by its size and the amount of fat around it. In order to shape, we need to effectively build muscle and burn fat. If you have to repeat it many times to burn more fat, it is very inefficient. The shape of the muscles needs to be beautiful, continuous and diverse high-intensity interval training, with proper nutrition, is the right way. If the muscles are too big, just reduce the calories.

Exercises with low repetitions (consisting of powerful explosive movements) will produce larger muscles (but not less stereotyped) than exercises with high repetitions, because the “fast contraction” muscle fibers used in explosive movements are better than endurance exercises. The “slow contraction” muscle fibers used in the movements are much larger.

Will the muscles grow too big?

Some people have seen the initial effect of muscle strength training, and they retreat for fear of becoming a superwoman. If you don’t use powerful medicine, the human body will not grow so big muscles, so don’t worry!

In the first few weeks of strength training, you may feel that you have become stronger. It is because of the increase in blood circulation in the muscles, and the rapid increase in muscle strength is mostly due to the adaptation of the nerves to the new movements, rather than the increase in muscle mass. If women can continue to gain 0.22 kilograms of muscle per month, it is quite remarkable; while men can gain 0.68 kilograms per month, which is quite impressive.



Is it okay to focus on fat reduction only?

If you have fat in your stomach, doing sit-ups will not give you six pack muscles. Weight loss is carried out in all parts of the body at the same time, and the calories burned must be greater than the calories intake. Therefore, if you want to lose fat in your belly (and other parts as well), exercise your thighs or shoulders to achieve the same or more effect as sit-ups. Only when you lose excess body fat can you reveal your abdominal muscles. Just exercising strong abdominal muscles will only push the fat in your stomach even further. Pay attention to your diet obediently, and develop muscles through muscle training is the right way.


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